Wednesday, October 5, 2011

There are three different types of metatypes of eruptions:
Magmatic eruptions: ~ well observed
                               ~ involve the decompression of gas within magma that propels it forward
Pheatomagmatic: ~ driven by the decompression of gas within magma, the direct opposite of the process
                               powering magmatic activity
Phreatic: ~ driven by the superheating of steam via contact with magma
There are also subtypes of eruptions:
Hawian: ~lava flows from the vent in a relitivly gentle, low level eruption
Submarine: ~ lava erupts over an ocean or sea
Strombolian:~ relitively low leved
                   ~ ejects cinder lapilli and lava bombs  at alltitudes of tens to hundreds of meters
Vulcanian: ~ dense cloud of ash
                ~ "like cannon fire"
Surtseyan: ~ takes place in shallow seas or lakes
                ~ caused by risiing basaltic or andesitic magma coming  into contact with aboundant shallow

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